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Auditing is a real need and the cost savings that can be achieved are huge. What do the various components of a comprehensive air audit tell you? Air flow testing
Often older compressors deliver air
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The R Class range of compressed air refrigeration dryers and RSXW chemical adsorption dryers have consistently low dew points, with an attractive entry price and a low cost of ownership once in operation.
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SUTO-iTECH Germany offers a very broad range of compressed air monitoring equipment that can monitor and display a compressed air system’s performance.
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Suto-iTec in Germany offers a broad range of compressed air monitoring equipment to record data and inform operational staff about a compressed air system’s performance.
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Artic Driers International offers a wide range of ultrasonic leak detection equipment, and can also hire out technicians by the day to evaluate a system’s air losses and calculate the cost to company.
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SPX Flow has introduced a radically new approach to compressed air drying.
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Artic Driers International has launched the E Series filter range.
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Compressed air costs around R0,13 per cubic metre. A typical 160 kW air compressor will consume around R1,3 million a year in power when providing a basic plant air service plan operating 24/7/365. In
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Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is well established in the food industry and continues to gain in importance. MAP means that the natural ambient air in the package is replaced by a gas or gas mixture,
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The design of any air dryer is critical to its life span. Many dryers, especially the smaller dryers for air compressors with capacities from 0,38 to 1,5 m³/min, are built to a price. The components making
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Artic Driers recently launched a new range of retrofit replacement inline compressed air filter elements that are compatible with casings from a wide range of global manufacturers. Manufactured in the
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High quality inline filter casings and the elements they contain, are an essential part of compressed air treatment. They are the primary defence for removing condensed water, particles, oils and vapours
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