SAFPA: It’s cool to be a 21st century artisan

Third Quarter 2024 SAFPA

At a recent SAFPA technical talk, Manie Scholtz from the EWC TVET College gave an interesting presentation on the government’s National Artisan and Apprenticeship Development Strategy for 2030. He questioned whether there is actually a shortage of artisans, and the challenges faced by unemployed qualified artisans. Surprisingly, there is an oversupply of electricians, and government is now focusing on millwrights, where there is a shortage. In the fluid power industry there is a shortage of tool and dyemakers.

He gave ideas on how to improve the role of TVET colleges, as they play a pivotal role in the training of the future, emphasising that university is not the only way. With respect to the strategy, ‘Seven Steps to Becoming an Artisan’ he said that the 21st century artisan must look at what’s in high demand. “It is also important that industry has a say, and this is why we are talking to SAFPA and other industry associations. Industry must come to the party with respect to training students,” he said. “The way forward is for skills development providers to work closer with industry.”

To view the whole presentation visit


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